Monday, January 13, 2020

Holiday Dressing: Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, etc.! I am once again, starting out the new year behind.  I wore this outfit on Christmas Day for family dinner.  This headband was the perfect touch & matched my sweater perfectly, which I coincidentally bought last summer.  The outfit sorta fell together after that, the perfect outfit for me. 

I can hardly believe we've entered a new decade & how quickly the past one flew by.  It was the best decade spent buying houses & growing our family.  There will be some more old & frankly, irrelevant posts, headed your way soon.  I'm really going to try to give this space a little more attention, but only because it gives me a chance to put my creative side to use. I have so, so many fun pieces that haven't seen the light of day...I'm pretty excited to style them in the upcoming months :)

Sweater & Boots (Amazon)/ Headband (J.Crew)/ All Else (F21)

Merry Christmas!

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