Happy Friday! Is it just me, or did this week fly?! I decided to dedicate today's post to an update on our sweet, growing boy. The nursery decor & baby supply lists are dwindling, with items being crossed off daily. My hospital bag is pretty much packed (I have a few last minute items to toss in this weekend), he has a name, & we are pre-registered at both hospitals (just in case). We've planned a little day trip to visit friends this weekend, since it's the last weekend for suggested travel. Here's a few sneak peeks into the nursery theme...
Really getting some use out of my letter boards lately (via Target, sleeper via Old Navy). |
Baby essentials: swaddle blankets, bedding, & receiving blankets (all from target). |
Baby blanket (via etsy) & Baby brother cap + swaddle (Amazon) for the hospital :) |
More receiving & swaddles, can't have too many with a newborn! The girls still sleep with their original swaddles :) |
Happy Weekend!
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