This mama was in desperate need of adventure, something that was unscheduled & something that involved just me being me. While in Iowa, I always schedule some time for my best friend. I take what I can get, as sometimes there are scheduling conflicts. This time, I was lucky enough to get her for an entire evening. We set a time & went from there. Everything was unplanned & we made it up as the night went on. We found a place to eat in a smaller town than ours & sat at the bar just because we could. We met another good friend at a bar & talked her into a few extra rounds. On the way home, we stopped for a night cap. It was amazing & exactly what I needed. It's hard to imagine a pre-mama me sometimes & I think, often when we become 'mom', we lose a little bit of who we were pre-mom. Being a mom is an honor I don't carry lightly & know how incredibly fortunate I am to hold that title, believe me. I also think we all go through that phase of trying to stay 'me', even though you may not even recognize yourself on some days. Huge thanks to my bestie for the perfect night out, free of distraction & in the best of company...

Sweater (JOA via Shopbop)/ Earrings (Anthro)/ Boots (Just Fab)/ Denim (Old Navy)
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